• Is There A Way To Add/enable Config_modify_ldt_syscall

    Is There A Way To Add/enable Config_modify_ldt_syscall

    Modifyldt: Function not implemented modifyldt: Function not implemented 002e:err:winediag:buildmodule Failed to create module for 'krnl386.exe', 16-bit LDT support may be missing. 002e:err:module:attachdlls 'krnl386.exe16' failed to initialize, aborting 002e:err:module:attachdlls Initializing dlls for L'C: windows system32 winevdm.exe' failed, status c0000142 According to my research there was a security fix introduced with Kernel 3.14 that would require you (as stated in the Arch Wiki and the Wine FAQs) to run. Hello, I'm also trying to enable 16-bit support for Wine in the vanilla Arch Linux distro.

    Dec 4, 2017 - An exploit could allow the attacker to connect to arbitrary hosts. The attack uses an admin/trees/add/process request with a crafted _tags[]. The vulnerability is due to the way Cisco Jabber for Windows handles. This vulnerability only affected kernels built with CONFIG_MODIFY_LDT_SYSCALL=y. Can I use the system call modify_ldt to add a new entry (call gate descriptor) in LDT? If yes, does it mean I can setup this descriptor with descriptor privilege level(DPL) 3 and the code segment equal to KERNEL_CS (which is the kernel code descriptor for CPL0) pointing back into the process’s address space below TASK_SIZE thus allowing an user mode task to directly call its own code at CPL0. You can get status, and add or delete rules into kernel audit system. Setting a watch on a file is accomplished using this command: => ausearch – a command that can query the audit daemon logs based for events based on different search criteria.

    I have followed the instructions to reconfigure the kernel 4.18.14 setting up CONFIGMODIFYLDTSYSCALL=y. After that I was able to recompile the kernel. However the file 'ldt16' doesn't exist in the '/proc/sys/abi/' path. Executing 'zcat /proc/config.gz grep 'MODIFYLDT' retrieves 'CONFIGMODIFYLDTSYSCALL=y'. Would you kindly point me in the right direction in order to have the ldt16 file produced? I have gone through the wiki page for the kernel recompilation, and several articles in the Internet with no luck.

    Thank you in advance. Neo Last edited by NeoLG (2018-10-24 07:46:21). Thank you Progandy for the additional information and clarifying there's no LDT16 file and therefore 'echo 1 /proc/sys/abi/ldt16 ' wouldn't apply. I definitely missed activating 'CONFIGX8616BIT' on the kernel configuration phase. I would like to add for the benefit of other newcomers that in the screen that allows to configure the kernel; the F8 key (I believe is the NConfig utility) can be used to search for the 'actual wording' associated to a KERNEL FLAG needed to re-enable 16-bit support for Wine. Another observation is that CONFIGX8616BIT only became available after activating/checking CONFIGMODIFYLDTSYSCALL; and that CONFIGX86ESPFIX64 is indirectly activated by other kernel flags. Thanks again for the help Neo.

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    A user is out of office for some reason – on vacation, sick, on a sabbatical or extended leave of absence, or traveling to a remote location on business, and forgets to set an automatic reply, also known as an Out Of Office message or in Exchange/Outlook lingo. As an Exchange administrator, you get an email from the user’s manager asking you to configure an OOF for the user. In previous versions of Exchange, you would need to access the user’s mailbox to be able to do this. Out of Office messages are stored in the Non-IPM tree of a user’s mailbox along with other metadata. Without access to the mailbox, you can’t modify data in it.

    Two ways for an admin to access a mailbox:. Grant yourself Full Access mailbox permission to the user’s mailbox. Change the user’s password and log in as user. It is safe to say that either of these options is potentially dangerous.

    The first option grants the administrator access to all of the data in the user’s mailbox. The second option grants the administrator access to all of the data that the user account can access within your company and locks the user out of his own user account (as the user in question no longer knows the account password). In Exchange 2010, you can configure auto-reply options for your users without using either of the above options.

    You must be a member of a role group that has either the or management roles. Configure auto-reply options using the Exchange Control Panel To configure an auto-reply using the ECP:. From Mail Options, select Another User (default My Organization). Figure 1: Select Another User.

    Select the user you want to configure the auto-reply for. In the new window, ensure the user's name is displayed in the alert message, and then click Tell people you’re on vacation Figure 2: When managing another user in the ECP, an alert near the top of the page displays the name of the user you're managing. From the Automatic Replies tab, configure the auto-reply options for the user (see ). In Exchange 2007, we introduced the ability to create different Out of Office messages for external and internal recipients. You can also disable or enable Out of Office messages on a per-user basis and on a per-remote domain basis in settings. For details, see previous post. Configure auto-reply options using the Shell This command schedules internal and external auto-replies from 9/8/2011 to 9/15/2011: Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration bsuneja@e14labs.com –AutoReplyState Scheduled –StartTime “9/8/2011” –EndTime “9/15/2011” –ExternalMessage “External OOF message here” –InternalMessage “Internal OOF message here” To configure auto-replies to be sent until they're disabled (i.e.

    Without a schedule), set the AutoReplyState parameter to Enabled and do not specify the StarTime and EndTime parameters. For detailed syntax and parameter descriptions, see. This command retrieves auto-reply settings for a mailbox.

    Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration bsuneja@e14labs.com This command disables auto-reply configured for a mailbox: Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration bsuneja@e14labs.com –AutoReplyState Disabled –ExternalMessage $null –InternalMessage $null.

    Is There A Way To Add/enable Config_modify_ldt_syscall